Mika Rottenberg – Cosmic Generator I & II

Mika Rottenberg’s work addresses the industrial production of capitalist commodities in an enigmatic and humorous manner. In her videos and installations, she reenacts production processes, revealing their hidden eroticism and absurdity. For the limited edition, Mika Rottenberg has selected film stills in which human beings disappear in the overflowing abundance of manufactured goods.

Two Stills from the video Cosmic Generator
Twelve color print with pigment ink on Baryte (Hahnemühle), bonded on alu dibond, hanging included, 30 x 52.5 cm
Limited edition of 15 copies each + 7 A.P., signed and numbered, € 950 each


Contact: Caroline Schneider-Dürr

T: +43-5574-48594-444

