In the exhibition I love you! Mikado sticks make several appearances, their playful associations countered by implications of danger: in the stairway a cluster of the painted wooden sticks becomes a prickly sphere, which visitors are compelled to pass under as they ascend. On the second floor the addition of steel tips transforms the oversized Mikado sticks into spears, displayed as if ready for use. As a variation on these two works, Pascale Marthine Tayou has created the edition Mikado Pascale exclusively for Kunsthaus Bregenz.
Wood, mikado sticks, 120 x 24 cm,Limited edition of 16 + 1 A.P., signed and numbered certificate2014
Contact: Caroline Schneider-Dürrc.schneider@kunsthaus-bregenz.atT: +43-5574-48594-444